Aero klub Željava Sports and Fun Sports clubs

Bosanske nezavisnosti 9, 77000 Bihać, Bosna i Hercegovina
Aero Club "Desire" from Bihac was founded on 11.11.2019. in Bihać and was registered with the Ministry of Justice and the UK Administration as an Association of Aero Club "Željava" Bihać. The headquarters of the Association is in Bihać in Bosance Independence Street No. 9. The President of the Association is Dževad Mešić, SPL pilot. Aero Club has 22 active members and are organized through the flight and model section. Currently, we have a sailboat for 8, Motor Dragon Apollo and Paramotor solo210.

The aim and task of the Association is to develop and promote aviation, airports and aircraft - technical cultures from all areas of airlines. In achieving the goals of airport development and aircraft-technical culture, and total activities. The association performs the following activities:

- works on the creation and development of mass-induced airports and airports and airborne culture of children, youth and citizens;

- Within the BiH Airline, the amounts of attitudes and opinions on the competition system and actively participates in its creation and implementation;

- organizes sports events, municipal, cantonal, state and international level based on established criteria and sports calendars such as aircraft encounters, airport, etc.

- determines criteria and criteria for financing the implementation of training programs and sports programs

-Organizing the aircraft of the General Aviation (GA) and ultralice aviation (UL), their service, aircraft at the airport, and cooperation with other clubs, associations, sports organizations, tourism, etc.

Aero Club "Desire" by the decision of the Government of the Federation of BiH, received for the use of a former desktime military airport for 10 years. The Club priority is to revive this airport, its revitalization as well as the placement as a future airplane. So far, the club has launched a number of activities that strive for the goal of creating a future aircraft in the desire.


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Aero klub Željava

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