When you want to select a night-time bar, the cafe etc. is unavoidable.Located in Harmanska Street in Bihać, this caffe name and appearance carries tradition, promises good parties, quality music, a pleasant atmosphere and the best choice of drinks.

The layout of the bar is such that at first glance associates the pleasant stay in it.It consists of two units, and works as a night bar.An authentic interior and warmth will turn you over again to spend your free time at this place.

While sit down and drink the first morning coffee, scrolling the newspapers, you will be relaxed and relaxed, with a pleasant ambience and summer garden caffe etc.During the afternoons you can drown into your favorite corner and absorb a cheerful and friendly mood.Talking glass, coffee or cold beer, free wireless internet and music sound that pleases ...

Features of the facility

  • own parking

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Contact information Caffe Itd

Caffe Itd
  • 062 218 539

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