Prenoćište-Sobe-Rooms-Aman Private accomodation

Dobrih Bošnjana 65, 77000 Bihać, Bosna i Hercegovina
Accommodation in Accommodation-room-rooms-amman is located in Bihać, and includes a garden.All units offer a kitchenette and access to a shared bathroom.Free WiFi and free private parking are available to guests.
All units in this accommodation include a paved yard overlooking the garden.
Accommodation-room-room-room-room is 33 km from Plitvice Lakes and includes parking in motorcycle garages.


Reviews (1)

4.25 from 5.0
Service 5.00
Quality of offer 4.00
Location 4.00
Cleanliness 4.00
  • Bubulj Aug. 17, 2022, 11:41 p.m.

    Nenad Bubulj great place for vacation, also great staff. For few minutes you can visit centrum of town. Im very grateful to members of stuff, when I need info about some place, restorants, markets, history places, near villiges etc. If you want to...

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